Here is an interview hosted by one of our representatives from the United States, Mr. Yves Jacques. ("YJ").
He recently spoke to Francois de Siebenthal. ("FS"), who is a former banker from Switzerland,
Interview Subject: The crisis in the financial world today and what solutions he would suggest to correct the chaos that is occuring.
The Interview Begins:
François de Siebenthal |
YJ: Francois, you are from Switzerland, trained as a professional banker and economist, is that correct?
FS: Yes.
YJ: And you’ve been an economist for how many years?
FS: For more than twenty-five years.
YJ: Some textbooks and other sources mislead people by saying that banks lend from the depositors savings. Can you tell us what really happens?
FS: The truth is that credit makes deposits, and not the other way around. This means that, for example, more than 90% of the money in circulation was created out of thin air. We can estimate that 99.99% of the United States dollar was created out of nothing. We call that Fiat Money, or Ex Nihilo. The problem is that, on the whole, they have been using the credit system to sustain the growth of the United States, to conserve the American economy at the cost of the poor of the world.
Recently the financiers even used the real estate market of the United States to uphold the credit industry. They have created massive amounts of credit (Ex Nihilo) as loans for real estate, and then sold the American mortgages to investors such as Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac at huge profits. They then used the massive import of funds and savings from all over the world to tell the American people that the value of the American industry is rising all the time. But now we have reached a limit in credibility and it (the American dollar) is starting to downslide. It has lost 60% of its value already since the beginning of the Iraq war. The entire system is a lie, and it is causing a massive lack of confidence, and of faith…
When credit is created only to sustain the virtual growth of the economy, there are various ways to get out of it. One of them would be to create a general war with millions of victims, or a bloody revolution, or even a credit crunch such as Japan experienced with its liquidity trap and massive depopulation, or then again, a general collapse of the economy such as what happened in 1929.
YJ: So, this is their solution?
FS: Yes, from my point of view the International Bankers are planning new wars and revolutions. I think that the best solution would be to do as the poor people of the United States did in 1929; establish local banks with 6,000 local currency systems. We can improve all those local systems and coordinate them, like a franchising chain of free and open local banks sharing the same values that are open to all people of good will.
You can find such a proposition at with all the details on how to function with this local system, as they are already doing in some poor countries.
The dollar will collapse for sure, and you need to persuade everyone to start local systems, improved LETS (Local exchange systems) with dividends and compensated discounts (see social credit on the internet). In fact, the dollar is collapsing faster now; its value is going down all the time. For instance, when I began in the banking business the dollar was nearly four Swiss francs to one dollar. Now, it is one Swiss franc to one dollar. So it is, in fact, a massive inflation. If a Swiss, for example, wants to buy a Chevrolet, he must convert it to cheese, watches, machinery and other goods. If an American wants to buy a Swiss watch, he pays in dollars. And what is a dollar? It is a piece of paper on which is printed, "One dollar: in God we trust" or just some bits in a computer.
YJ: Do you think that the reason they want the US dollar to collapse in the United States is because they want to change it for the Amero?
FS: Yes. What they are doing is the same as they did in 1929. The banks print and open more credits to buy more assets very cheap, that way they control more of the people and you can do nothing without their consent. The Patriot Act is a method of dictatorship and they suddenly wanted to change all the notes and put RFID devices in all the currency.
YJ: What do you think of people who say we should exchange US dollars to Euros or Japanese Yen?
FS: If the dollar is collapsing and the same people are behind the Euro or the Yen, it will all come to the same conclusion. Let’s talk about the Japanese Yen. In Japan there is a big, big problem with the population. One third of the Japanese population will disappear before 2050. It is already beginning. There will be a massive depreciation in the real estate markets and this will create a huge crisis, even bigger than the United States, because the Japanese will not allow immigration. The only solution I can foresee for the Japanese is a massive drop in the price of properties. Already I have information from Japan that they are pushing to establish euthanasia. You know the situation is really a war, a war against the weakest in society. They are buying a lot of robots to cope with this trend. The truth is that they want a massive reduction in the population; by the billions… Julian Simon said in his book "The Ultimate Resource 1" that he was paid by those people to prove that the earth was overpopulated, however he wrote books and articles proving exactly the opposite.
The Ultimate Resource (now The Ultimate Resource 2) and Population Matters discuss trends in the United States and the world with respect to resources, environment, population and the interactions between them. Simon concludes that there is no reason why material life on earth should not continue to improve, and that increasing population contributes to that improvement in the long run. Those popularly-written books developed positive ideas and foresaw the falling natural resource prices, increased world oil supply, and decline in farmland prices. His view of population economics is unique and persuasive. In the discussion, he covers resources, environment, population growth with analytical methods.
As said on Amazon, Julian L. Simon is the world’s greatest contrarian. The Ultimate Resource 2–an update, not a sequel–skewers the sacred cows of environmentalism, population control, and Paul Ehrlich. In the contest between resource scarcity and human ingenuity, Simon bets the farm on the ability of intelligent people to overcome their problems. Thankfully, he is not a theorist. This book lays out convincing empirical evidence for his prediction of a prosperous future. The keys to progress are not state-run conservation programs, he says, but economic and politicial freedom. Only then can talented minds properly apply themselves to their earthly dilemmas.
(To read his book, go to this link:
He wrote in his book "Population matters" how he was ostracized by the "rulers" of the new world disorder.
The last book about this type of manipulation is by Steve Mosher. The book is entitled Population Control and it does not simply outline the problems; it proposes a solution as well. Mosher dedicates his final chapter to possible ways that developed nations can avoid the demographic disaster that now threatens. Small tax credits and paltry child subsidies are not nearly enough. Young couples, he argues, need to be sheltered from taxes altogether. And population control programs need to be discontinued as soon as possible. Mosher ends by quoting the late Julian Simon: "Human beings are the ultimate resource." We need everybody to find good solutions.
(For more information see
The members of those Clubs hate poor people. Most of these wealthy New World Order people are racists, in fact they are racists of the worst kind. They condition people to believe that our earth is overpopulated. And so the poor are corralled like cattle into big cities such as Mexico, just to control them and prove that they are right. But in fact, the rest of the earth is empty. The world is huge and we can feed more people. Ramses of Egypt, in the Bible, had this way of thinking and he killed all the male Jews. Now we have "white" bankers living in New York, London and Paris doing the same well-paid job; killing millions or even billions of aborted children with financial soft Gulags to earn billions of dollars.
I recommend this film: "Freedom to Fascism" from the filmmaker Aaron Russo, who exposed his first-hand knowledge of the elite global agenda during a live video interview with Alex Jones’ nationally syndicated radio show.
Nick Rockefeller told Russo about the plan to microchip the population, (see Bilderberg and micro-chip on the internet) and warned him about "an event that would allow us to invade Afghanistan and Iraq" some eleven months before 9/11. Rockefeller foretold that the "War on Terror" would be a hoax where soldiers would be looking in caves for non-existent enemies. Rockefeller also tried to recruit Aaron Russo into the Council on Foreign Relations during the tenure of their friendship. A picture sent by the Russo family verifies that friendship, and strengthens evidence of a global agenda of which Rockefeller’s creation of women’s lib, and the elite’s ultimate plan for world population reduction and a micro-chipped society, played important roles.
YJ: Can you explain to us briefly, how money is created today and how it should be created? Then maybe we can speak about the practice of interest.
FS: In the United States most of the money, as credit-bearing interest, is created by the Federal Reserve Board and other private banks. The Federal Reserve is about as Federal as the Federal Express. That means that it is a private company owned by a few people. I have a list of about 12 families who are the shareholders that own the Federal Reserve. These people are using this private business for their own personal gain, to generate private profits of trillions (yes, trillions) of dollars. If you add the amounts that are generated every year since Christmas of 1913, sums hidden in various foundations and trusts in tax haven "paradises," the profits are unbelieveable. Wars are for their own profit only and not for the benefit of the American people.
And on the credit base, which is called M zero, you have a massive creation of money, and this credit is based on nothing. Alan Greenspan said that they create the money out of thin air. You have the statistics published by the Federal Reserve (which is a private company) that show that it is allowing and emitting credit to the other banks or other financial vehicles.
A few months before his assassination, President John F. Kennedy was summoned by his father Joseph to the lobby of the White House. He said to him, "If you do this, they will kill you!" But the President was not deterred. On June 4, 1963, he signed Executive Order number 111 110, that repealed the Act and Executive Order number 10,289, calling the production of banknotes into the hands of the state and depriving the cartel of private banks of a large part of their power. After $4 billion of US dollars in small denominations called "United States Notes" had already been put into circulation, and while the state was preparing to deliver even larger cuts of Fed currency, Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. This happened 100 years after Lincoln’s death. He had created debt-free "Greenback" notes for the United States as well, and he was murdered by a sniper. Kennedy’s successor Lyndon B. Johnson suspended the printing of the notes for an inexplicable reason. The twelve Federal Reserve banks withdrew the Kennedy banknotes immediately from circulation and exchanged them with their own acknowledgements of debt. A few of those notes are still in the hands of Imelda Marcos because her husband was trying to escape the system.
And now with the sub-prime crisis, they are printing millions or trillions of dollars but we don’t know exactly where this money is going. Perhaps it is going to sustain the banks that are in bankruptcy. Crooks are sustaining crooks. And of course, all of this money is created with an interest rate. This interest rate is imposed on the American population mainly through taxes, on the backs of the poor people. For one example, see the LTCM 3 Trillion dollar scandal under Clinton, and other similar situations. The poor of the world cannot eat; they are starving. And the worse problem is that babies are not even allowed to live! Their goal is to have fewer people that are more easily controlled with laws that are becoming even more and more stupid. One such case is Monsanto, a plant that patents pigs or plants and ruins farmers; their goal is to raise the price of food, all the while saying that they are working for the good of humanity…
The Fed began with approximately 300 people or banks that became owners (stockholders purchasing stock at $100 per share–the stock is not publicly traded) in the Federal Reserve banking system. They make up an international banking cartel of wealth that has no comparison. The Fed collects billions of dollars annually in interest and distributes the profits to its shareholders. Congress illegally gave the Fed the right to print money (through the Treasury) at no interest to the Fed. The Fed then creates money from nothing, and loans it back to us through the banks, and charges interest on our currency. The Fed also buys Government debt with money printed on a printing press and then charges US taxpayers interest. Many Congressmen and Presidents have said that this is fraud.
Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency from 1920-21, accused the Federal Reserve of deliberately causing the Great Depression. In several speeches made shortly after he lost the chairmanship of the Committee, McFadden claimed that the Federal Reserve was run by Wall Street banks and their affiliated European banking houses.
McFadden said: Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal Reserve Board, which is a Government board, has cheated the Government of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The twelve credit monopolies that were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us for our hospitality by undermining our American institutions…
The people have a valid claim against the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. For the text of his entire speech, see this website:
McFadden was killed in the same way as Kennedy and Lincoln and many other opponents to those who control this system of usury.
"Quid prodest scelus, is fecit" which means: "The one who takes profit from the crime, has done it."
An encyclical called "Vix Pervenit" a text stating what contracts are good or bad in business was eliminated from the bookshelves. This encyclical may be found at these addresses on the internet: and also at
So who owns the Federal Reserve Central Banks? The true ownership of the 12 Central banks, a very well kept secret, has been partially revealed. This is a list of some names:
- Rothschild Bank of London
- Warburg Bank of Hamburg
- Rothschild Band of Berlin
- Lehman Brothers of New York
- Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
- Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
- Goldman, Sachs of New York
- Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
- Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
- Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
These bankers are all connected to London Banking Houses in the totally free City which ultimately controls the Fed. When England lost the Revolutionary War with America (our forefathers were fighting their own government), they planned to control us by taking over our banking system, the printing of our money, and our debt.
The individuals listed below owned banks which in turn owned shares in the Fed. The banks listed below have significant control over the New York Fed District, which controls the other 11 Fed Districts. These banks also are partially foreign owned and control the New York Fed District Bank:
- First National Bank of New York - James Stillman
- National City Bank, New York - Mary W. Harnman
- National Bank of Commerce, New York - A.D. Juillard
- Hanover National Bank, New York - Jacob Schiff
- Chase National Bank, New York - Thomas F. Ryan, Paul Warburg, William Rockefeller,
- Levi P. Morton, M.T. Pyne, George F. Baker, Percy Pyne, Mrs. G.F. St. George, J.W. Sterling,
- Katherine St. George, H.P. Davidson
- J.P. Morgan (Equitable Life/Mutual Life) - Edith Brevour, T. Baker
YJ: Well, I think this interview will help the people understand the system a bit more, and what is happening today.
FS: It is better to fight this way, and create a credit club or a local system with coupons free of interest as we wrote about in the "Michael Journal" with the example of Madagascar and the Philippines, than to take out your gun and fight a war!
YJ: The truth is blinding and people do not see it. They want a complicated system, but in fact the solution is very simple.
FS: During the Great Depression in the 30’s the citizens started 6,000 local systems, local credit systems all over the United States. Tell people to study the history of their country. While they were creating their own credits, the big banks were stopped. Do the same! Improve it with Social Credit systems and dividends to share the profits of the robots and computers! 90% of the workload will be done by computers and robots, the challenge is how is distribute the abundance.
YJ: Well, I think that’s the plan of the Pilgrims of St. Michael, we want to start the local exchange systems all over the world. I know that in Columbia they have several systems that are working very well.
FS: In the United States, your grandfathers were the organizers of the local systems. Ask them how it was done. You had more than 6,000 systems all over the United States. The WIR system in Switzerland has made our country one of the richest in the world. ( Just think of what happened in Argentina when the banks collapsed there. That can happen in the United States as well.
Maurice Allais, Professor of Economics at the National School of Mining Engineering in Paris, France and the 1988 Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, had this to say in his book "Les Conditions Monetaires d’une Economie de Marche" ("The Monetary Conditions of a Market Economy" p. 2): "In essence, the present creation of money, out of nothing, by the banking system is, I do not hesitate to say it in order to make people clearly realize what is at stake here, similar to the creation of money by counterfeiters so rightly condemned by law. In concrete terms, it leads to the same results."
We need to practice all five Shabbats and Jubilees, every 7 days, weeks, months, years and 49 years ( 7 times 7 years) and fight usury at all levels, because usury kills.
Please read this extract from Louis Even. "But what about the term ‘usury practiced under another form’ used by the Pope? Does it mean too high an interest rate? If so, of what percentage? Or is it something else, and under what form?"
An English priest named Father Drinkwater, wrote a book in 1935 that identified this "devouring usury under another form" that is the monopolization of credit, which was to amount more and more to a monopolization of money, although the workings of this monopolization of credit were still mysterious to almost everyone at that time.
Father Drinkwater recorded that a committee based at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, had prepared some elements for the drafting of
Rerum Novarum, and that among the members of this committee there was at least one person from Austria who was well aware of the money question and of bank credit. A text that this Austrian had prepared and that was apparently approved by the committee, showed clearly how mere bank money–which is created in banks and consists basically of figures written in bank-books and ledgers, and which was already becoming the major monetary instrument for trade and industry–was nothing but the monetization of the production capacity of the whole community. The new money thus created can only be social in nature (belonging to all of society), and not the property of the bank. This new money is social because of its basis: the community, or society, and because it can buy any good or service in the country. The control of this source of money therefore puts in the hands of those who exercise it, a discretionary power over all economic life.
The text of this Austrian expert also showed that banks do not lend their depositors’ money, but rather deposits that they create out of nothing simply by inscribing figures in bank-books. When banks lend money–no account is diminished in the bank–they do not have to extract one penny from their safes. So the interest charged on their loans is certainly usury: whatever its rate–it is actually more than 100%, since it is interest charged on a capital of zero, nil–the lender (the bank) does not have to do without the money he lends, he just creates it! This usury can rightly be described as "devouring", since banks require creditors to pay back money that has never been created, that has never been put into circulation. (Banks create the principal they lend, but not the interest.) It is therefore mathematically impossible to pay back all loans; the only way for the economy in such a system to keep going is to borrow again to pay the interest, which creates un-repayable private and public debts.
What was the exact wording of this text about the monopoly of credit? One cannot know, since there is no mention of it in the encyclical. Was it suppressed in Fribourg in the final draft sent to Rome? Was it stolen between Fribourg and Rome, or between its arrival in Rome and its delivery to the Sovereign Pontiff? Or was it Pope Leo XIII who decided to put it aside? Fr. Drinkwater raises these questions, but gives no answer. End of quote. This scandal is producing the same absurd situation as in Canada.
And finally let us quote Mackenzie King, who stated while he was campaigning to become Prime Minister of Canada in 1935: "Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile." For more graphs depicting our financial situation see our webiste: and
YJ: We thank you for this interview with us, Mr. De Siebenthal; you are included in our prayers and our support for you and your family.
FS: You are welcome, be assured of our prayers as well, and all the best to you. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to ask me. You may email me at: